Test 287: Enterprise Application Development with IBM WebSphere Studio, V5.0

The test consists of 7 sections containing approximately 52 multiple-choice questions. The percentage after each section, reflects the approximate distribution of the total question set across the sections.

Section 1 - Design, build and test reusable enterprise components (25%)

  1. Design and develop session EJBs
  2. Design and develop message-driven EJBs
  3. Design and develop entity EJBs
  4. Access container and server services from enterprise components
  5. Implement mechanisms for efficient inter-component calls
  6. Test and debug enterprise components

Section 2 - Design, build and test web components (19%)

  1. Design, develop and test Java Servlets, filters and listeners
  2. Design, develop and test JSPs
  3. Manage end-user state and understand performance tradeoffs of using HTTP sessions
  4. Design and develop custom tags

Section 3 - Develop clients that access the enterprise components (8%)

  1. Implement Java clients calling EJBs
  2. Implement Java clients calling web services
  3. Implement mechanisms which support loose coupling between clients and components

Section 4 - Demonstrate understanding of database connectivity and messaging within IBM WebShpere Application Server (8%)

  1. Create, configure, and tune connection pools
  2. Interact with connection pools to obtain and release connections
  3. Configure JMS connection factories and destinations

Section 5 - EJB transactions (10%)

  1. Build EJBs which satisfy transactional requirements
  2. Use JTA to control transaction demarcation
  3. Manipulate transactional behavior of EJBs using deployment descriptors

Section 6 - Assemble enterprise applications and deploy them in IBM WebSphere Application Server (15%)

  1. Assemble web components, EJB components, and client application components into enterprise applications
  2. Deploy enterprise applications into servers
  3. Configure resource and security-role references
  4. Create and configure WebSphere test environment servers

Section 7 - Validate, tune and troubleshoot an application within an IBM WebSphere Application Server environment (15%)

  1. Use tracing and profiling tools to analyze and tune applications
  2. Explain implications of resource management on application design and implementation
  3. Identify misbehaving application components
  4. Describe the effects of a server failure on the application
  5. Validate operational parameters of application server to support the enterprise application