SELF TEST: JAVA-J2EE"You can judge a person better by the questions he asks as compared to the answers he gives."
In SpaceAge, we test:-
(a) Knowledge.
(b) Understanding - ability to understand the how and why of technology.
(c) Problem Solving Skills.
Please Test yourself.
If you wish, please take this test.
The qestions here are less than 1% of what we have in our question bank.
1. In C++ how many types of variables do we have. Which of these are available in Java and for what data types?
2. From Computer Science point of view - What is a Class? What is an Interface ? What is common between a Class and an Interface?
3. In C++ how many types of parameter passing modes do we have. Which of these are available in Java and for what data types?
4. Do we have Pointers in Java?
5. In Java Object References are passed by value - true or false?
6. What is the difference between a Synchronized Method and Synchronized Block?
7. Is there any alternative to Synchronization?
8. How many different types of locks do we have (Synchronization, Java 1.4)?
9. What is the difference between aggregation, delegation and composition?
10. In how many ways can we implement the Singleton Design Pattern?
11. How do we implement a singleton in a distributed or clustered environment?
12. On Web Tier we are using Struts. We have an action class - AccountAction, and account form bean class - AccountFormBean. There are 10 users logged on and all ten are requesting for their account information. How many instances of Account Action class are in memory? How many instances of AccountFormBean are in memory.
13. We have a web application using struts. Review the following code for AccountAction. Discuss all scenarios when this code will work ok and when it will not.
public final class LoginAction extends Action
private AccountVO m_AccountVO ; // assume it had been initialized
public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response ) throws Exception
... code ...
// assume method is implemented ok
}14. How do we design multithreaded applications?
15. How do we do performance tuning of multithreaded applications?
16. Approach to designing multithreaded applications, how is it different - when using Java 1.4 as compared to Java 1.5 concurrent package.
17. We are using Java 1.4. We have two threads. They need to pass data to one another. How will you implement this?
18. We are using Java 1.5. We have two threads. They need to pass data to one another. How will you implement this?
19. How can we terminate a thread?
20. How do we find the memory address of a java object?
21. Every java application has a main() method. What about a web application or j2ee application.
22. How would you go about designing and implementing the following i.e. reinventing the wheel:
(a) An OR Mapping tool similar to Hibernate or Toplink.
(b) A Web Server - a HTTP Server and Web Container for Servlets, JSP Pages.
(c) A J2EE Application Server to deploy EJB's, MDB's and JMS Modules.
(d) A TCP/IP Socket Client to talk to Oracle Database Server, MS SQL Server, WebLogic Server, etc.